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I Come to Make Your Heart Restored

   Hello my friends! I thought I would give you all a little update on what I have been up to lately. I am attending a leadership and discipleship program with Adventures in Missions called Center for Global Action (CGA). I started in January and now I have only three weeks left! I have been learning about identity, what it means to be a daughter of God, the process of healing with the Lord, and persevering through the hard things with Jesus and learning to grow from them. This has been a season of great transformation and redemption. And I’m finishing! It may not seem like a big deal to some, but finishing CGA is a huge milestone for me. I’ve gotten into a pattern of starting things and not completing them. While I know the Lord was in each of those moments, I feel He is calling me to something new, to growth, to change, to wholeness. 

   The Lord has been so kind to help me through the ups and downs of CGA and the craziness of a global pandemic. Somehow I am making it out alive, and better than before. I’ve learned so much about how to walk through the dry and dark seasons, and I feel more equipped than ever for whatever God has for me after this. I don’t know what the future holds, but I am hopeful.

  I am also currently fundraising for CGA! I have $2,095 left to raise to be fully funded, and I would love your support. I know I am not alone in this and I have felt so loved and encouraged and by all of you who read and comment on my posts. Thank you for your love and continued support of my journey with Jesus. It humbles me and blesses me in more ways than I can measure. You can partner with me by going to and clicking the orange “Donate!” button at the top of the page. Thanks again for all the love!



Marianna Harris


The storm might last for long,
A chaos in your mind. 
But even so, above the clouds,
The sun shines still and bright.
So wait, my dear, a little more,
I come to make your heart restored